Well, Apparently it’s extremely important. I’ve heard it’s the chemical key to life. It makes you wonder. If a group of people are highly melanated why are they sooooo inferior … hmmm …
Why would the dominant group want to conduct any in-depth studies about melanin if it may allude to a superiority conclusion for dark-skinned people? Europeans have always had an opportunity to cease and desist from the dehumanization of Africans, but they went on to colonize these people. Let us get back to Melanin; this black melanin is in all people. It is extremely important in the universe. My, with all this research that has already been done on Melanin, have you checked it out to date. What if you started studying it right now; Would it not be fantastic if you found out that highly melanated peoples have no reason at all to have an inferiority complex?? These people originated from one of the richest continents on the planet … to be continued …