Living Your Best Life

You could ultimately be living your best life you know.  It is absolutely within your grasp.  Parts of it all seem to be so inconsistent.  You feel like you have a grip on it, whatever ‘it’ is, but then it seems like you lose that grip.  Perhaps the discipline wasn’t afforded you.  Perhaps there is so much that, in a multi-generational way, has affected you and yours…


What If … What If  You Could …

What if you could really change things.  What would it take?  Perhaps a miracle?  An amazing opportunity could be, or could not be coming your way.  What if you decided to stop running after perfection?  What would progress look like?  All these ‘what’s.

What if you made a decision to ‘live your best life’… what would that look like.  Visualize the possibilities, maybe sit in it for a moment.  There may be a gulf between your visualization and your reality.  What could be done about that?  What is possible?  Who could encourage you? … Who could encourage me?


So Many Fears …

So many fears involved in our progress.  What do we do with them.
We can use them…yes we can!!  Leaning into them and crying out for help from those relationships that we have fostered.  Those people or that person in our lives that really ‘get who we are’.  That one, or those ones that we can totally be transparent with.

There’s a place we get to in our lives, when we realize we can’t hide our fears or our pain, our disappointment, or victories our joy…ALL OF US!!  The person we have grown into.  These precious people in our lives no longer should be afraid of losing us because of something they may say, that may be truth, that may hurt us a bit or maybe a lot.  These people may not be perfect in love but they are in it with you for the long-haul … AWESOME!


You have to be able to see me.  If you don’t see me, then that may mean I’m not being my authentic self.  Is this true?  Or if you don’t see me, I may have to move on and hope well for you because you may not see your authentic self.  Is this true?








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